At Orah's Play House, sissy training is a transformative journey designed to cultivate obedience, femininity, and devotion to the Mistresses who reign supreme. Under their strict guidance, submissives are taught to embrace their sissy identity, perfecting their posture, appearance, and demeanor to meet the exacting standards of service. Training involves personalized rituals, tasks, and challenges, all crafted to deepen submission and instill a sense of purpose. Whether learning to walk gracefully in heels, practicing domestic servitude, or enduring the Mistress's discipline, every moment spent in training is an opportunity to serve and please. Mistress JenaCBlack and Madam Orah of Orah's Play House demand nothing less than perfection, and those who enter their domain will find themselves shaped into the ideal servant—devoted, elegant, and utterly obedient.
We hope you will join us in 2025. Under our guidance and rigorous training program, you will develop into the sissy you always dreamed of being. So set your goals for 2025 and join Mistress Jena and Madam Orah in transforming your beautiful self into the vision of perfection we believe you are meant to be!
Sissy Training at Orah's Play House~See you soon!
Contact Madam Orah ~ madamorah11.11@gmail.com or jenacblack@gmail.com
for registration information.